Nuclear Abolition News and Analysis

Reporting the underreported threat of nuclear weapens and efforts by those striving for a nuclear free world.
A project of The Non-Profit International Press Syndicate Group with IDN as flagship agency in partnership with Soka Gakkai International in consultative
status with ECOSOC.


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TOWARD A NUCLEAR FREE WORLD was first launched in 2009 with a view to raising and strengthening public awareness of the urgent need for non-proliferation and ushering in a world free of nuclear weapons. Read more

IDN Global News

Ban on Nuke Tests OK, But Where’s the Ban on Nuke Weapons?

Nuclear Abolition News | IPS


UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – As the United Nations commemorated the International Day Against Nuclear Tests on Aug. 29, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon lamented the fact that in a world threatened by some 17,000 nuclear weapons, not a single one has been destroyed so far. [P]  GERMAN | ITALIAN | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF

OPINION: Why Kazakhstan Dismantled its Nuclear Arsenal

Nuclear Abolition NewsViewpoint | IPS


UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – August 29 is the fifth observance of the International Day against Nuclear Tests. One of the first decrees of President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan was the historic decision to close on Aug. 29, 1991 the Semipalatinsk Nuclear test site, the second largest in the world.

Kazakhstan also voluntarily gave up the world’s fourth largest nuclear arsenal, with more than 110 ballistic missiles and 1,200 nuclear warheads with the capacity to reach any point on this earth. [P]  JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | SPANISH

Remembering Hiroshima For The Sake Of Our Common Future – Norwegian

Erindringer av Hiroshima på grunn av vår felles fremtid

Av Monzurul Huq

TOKYO (IDN) – Menneskets minne er kort, spesielt når det kommer til det å minnes krig og ødeleggelse. Utallige detaljer fra ulike ganger portretterte redegjørelser av elendighet og menneskelige lidelser som sannsynligvis minner oss på noe vagt og abstrakt, noe fjernt og noe som ikke helt angår oss, noe som ikke relaterer seg til de realitetene som vi står ovenfor til enhver tid.

Austrian Parliament Backs Government Efforts For Nuclear Disarmament – Japanese




Atom Bomb Anniversary Spotlights Persistent Nuclear Threat – Japanese




Die ‘Bombe’ lebt – 69 Jahre nach Hiroshima ist die Gefahr nicht gebannt

Von Suvendrini Kakuchi

Tokio (IPS) – Seit dem Abwurf der Atombombe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki sind 69 Jahre vergangen. Für die Überlebenden und deren Nachfahren ist die Erinnerung frisch, und sie warten bis heute auf eine formelle Entschuldigung von Seiten der Verursacher, den USA. Die Gefahr, dass sich eine solche Katastrophe wiederholen könnte, ist besorgniserregend hoch.

Austrian Parliament Backs Government Efforts For Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear Abolition News | IDN


VIENNA (IDN) – As the Austrian government prepares to host the third international conference on the humanitarian consequences of atomic weapons on December 8-9 in Vienna, the county’s parliament has provided it the legal basis for its commitment to usher in a world without nuclear weapons of mass destruction. [P] GERMAN | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF

Nuke Proliferation in East Asia Affects International Security – Japanese





IPPNW To Discuss Test Ban Treaty Future in Kazakhstan

Nuclear Abolition NewsViewpoint | ICAN


In the late 1980s, IPPNW helped bridge a dangerous and divided world to connect grassroots activists who wanted to stop nuclear testing by the United States and the former Soviet Union. Those “activists” were, in fact, ordinary people whose lives had been damaged (and sometimes taken from them) and whose communities had been destroyed by the contamination from nuclear weapons tests, which continued underground long after the Partial Test Ban Treaty outlawed them in the atmosphere, under water, and in space in 1963.

69 Years On: Need To Tread A Nuke Free Road

Nuclear Abolition NewsViewpoint | IDN


August 6, 2014 marked the 69th anniversary of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon over Japan. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki held ceremonies commemorating those hundreds of thousands who perished in the two nuclear attacks in 1945, and the countless more whose lives would forever be affected. But in these past decades, can we say that we have truly learned from the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Is our recognition of the suffering inflicted upon those cities matched with the concrete action to ensure that it can never be repeated? Akira Kawasaki answers these and other questions in a contribution to IDN partner Pressenza.



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Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons 2022

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