Nuclear Abolition News and Analysis

Reporting the underreported threat of nuclear weapens and efforts by those striving for a nuclear free world.
A project of The Non-Profit International Press Syndicate Group with IDN as flagship agency in partnership with Soka Gakkai International in consultative
status with ECOSOC.


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TOWARD A NUCLEAR FREE WORLD was first launched in 2009 with a view to raising and strengthening public awareness of the urgent need for non-proliferation and ushering in a world free of nuclear weapons. Read more

IDN Global News

Uncertainty Haunts the Future of Non-Proliferation Treaty and Disarmament – KOREAN

불확실성, 비확산 조약과 군축의 미래

타리크 라우프(Tariq Rauf)의 견해*

히로시마 (IDN) -8월 6일과 8월 9일은 히로시마와 나가사키의 원자폭탄이 투하된 지 75년이 되는 날이다. 히바쿠샤(hibakusha, 생존자)를 만났거나 보았던 사람들이나 두 도시의 원폭 투하 지점을 방문한 사람들, 또는 이 두 일본 도시의 파괴된 모습을 사진으로 보았던 지각을 가진 사람들은 핵무기가 초래한 처참함에 충격과 경악을 금할 수가 없다.

Uncertainty Haunts the Future of Non-Proliferation Treaty and Disarmament – MALAY

Ketidakpastian Menghantui Masa Depan Perjanjian dan Pelucutan Senjata Nuklear

Sudut Pandangan oleh Tariq Rauf*

HIROSHIMA (IDN) – 6 Ogos dan 9 Ogos akan menandakan ulang tahun ke-75 pengeboman atom Hiroshima dan Nagasaki. Tiada manusia yang mempunyai perasaan, yang telah bertemu atau melihat hibakusha (orang yang selamat), atau melawat pusat ledakan di dua bandar raya ini, atau melihat bukti-bukti fotografi terhadap kemusnahan dua bandar raya Jepun ini, boleh mengelak daripada rasa terkejut dan kengerian dengan pembinasaan yang diakibatkan oleh senjata nuklear. 

Uncertainty Haunts the Future of Non-Proliferation Treaty and Disarmament

Viewpoint by Tariq Rauf *

Photo courtesy of UNITAR Hiroshima Office.

HIROSHIMA (IDN)—August 6 and August 9 will mark the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No sentient human being who has met or seen the hibakusha (survivors), or visited the hypocentres in the two cities, or seen the photographic evidence of the destruction of these two Japanese cities, can avoid being shocked and horrified by the devastation that nuclear weapons inflicted. [2020-02-28 | 30] JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | KOREAN | MALAY | THAI

Uncertainty Haunts the Future of Non-Proliferation Treaty and Disarmament

Viewpoint by Tariq Rauf *

Photo courtesy of UNITAR Hiroshima Office.

HIROSHIMA (IDN)—August 6 and August 9 will mark the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No sentient human being who has met or seen the hibakusha (survivors), or visited the hypocentres in the two cities, or seen the photographic evidence of the destruction of these two Japanese cities, can avoid being shocked and horrified by the devastation that nuclear weapons inflicted. [2020-02-28 | 30] JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | KOREAN | MALAY | THAI

U.S. Abrogation of Iran Deal Leaves a Puzzling Legacy


Image source: Forum IAS.【イスタンブールIDN=バーンハード・シェル】



Ritiro degli Stati Uniti dall’Accordo sul Nucleare Iraniano lascia un’eredità sconcertante

Di Bernhard Schell

ISTANBUL (IDN) — L’Iran è stato respinto per l’annuncio del 5 gennaio che non avrebbe più rispettato alcune “restrizioni operative” sull’arricchimento dell’uranio nell’accordo nucleare, formalmente noto come il Piano d’azione comune congiunto o JCPOA. La dichiarazione ha anche sollevato dubbi circa le attività e le intenzioni del regime e il destino dell’accordo nucleare.

Towards Nuclear Disarmament with Monitoring and Verification


Photo: Twenty-two participants from 11 IPNDV partner countries gathered at Forschungszentrum Jülich in Jülich, Germany on September 23, 2019 to participate in the Nuclear Disarmament Verification Exercise, jointly organized by France and Germany. Credit: Forschungszentrum Jülich / Tobias Schlößer.【ニューヨークIDN=ラドワン・ジャキーム】




A revogação do Acordo com o Irão por parte dos EUA deixa um Legado Intrigante

Por Bernhard Schell

ISTAMBUL (IDN) – O Irão foi criticado pelo seu anúncio em 5 de janeiro de que deixaria de cumprir determinadas “restrições operacionais” relativamente ao enriquecimento de urânio no acordo nuclear, formalmente conhecido como Plano de Ação Integral Conjunto ou JCPOA. A declaração também suscitou dúvidas sobre as atividades e intenções do regime e o destino do acordo nuclear.

“Essas questões são melhor compreendidas no contexto da estrutura do JCPOA, um acordo baseado no compromisso do Irão de que suas atividades nucleares seriam exclusivamente pacíficas”, afirma Ernest J. Moniz, copresidente e diretor executivo da Iniciativa de Ameaças Nucleares (NTI).

U.S. Abrogation of Iran Deal Leaves a Puzzling Legacy – ARABIC

إلغاء الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للاتفاق النووي مع إيران يخلف إرثًا محيرًا

بقلم برنهارد شيل

إسطنبول (IDN) – هُوجمت إيران بشدة بسبب إعلانها بتاريخ 5 يناير بأنها لن تمتثل لبعض “القيود التشغيلية” المفروضة على تخصيب اليورانيوم في الاتفاق النووي، المعروف رسميًا بخطة العمل الشاملة المشتركة (JCPOA). أثار الإعلان شكوكًا حول أنشطة النظام ونواياه ومصير الاتفاق النووي.

صرح إرنست ج. مونيز، الرئيس المشارك والرئيس التنفيذي لمبادرة التهديد النووي (NTI)، قائلًا: “هذه التساؤلات يمكن فهمها على أفضل وجه في إطار الهيكل العام لخطة العمل الشاملة المشتركة (JCPOA)، وهو اتفاق بُني على أساس التزام إيران بأن تكون أنشطتها مقصورة على الأغراض السلمية”.

وأضاف في برنامج سؤال وجواب موضحًا: “أولًا، ثمة قيود شديدة على أنشطة إيران النووية، بعض منها قيود محددة المدة والبعض الآخر قيود مستمرة. ثانيًا، وهو الأهم، تخضع إيران لنظام تحقق فريد وشامل في وجود المفتشين الدوليين الممنوح لهم قدرات لا يوجد مثلها في مكان آخر”.

U.S. Abrogation of Iran Deal Leaves a Puzzling Legacy – Portuguese

A Ansiedade Emerge para a 10º Conferência de Revisão do TNP no Ano que Vem

Ponto de vista de Sergio Duarte

O autor é presidente da Pugwash. Ex-alto representante da ONU para assuntos de desarmamento.

NOVA IORQUE (IDN) — O início contencioso da 74º Sessão do Primeiro Comitê da Assembleia Geral em outubro passado, em Nova Iorque, foi um prenúncio das dificuldades que serão enfrentadas na preparação para a Conferência de Revisão do Tratado de Não Proliferação de Armas Nucleares de 2020 e para os órgãos multilaterais da ONU dedicados ao desarmamento.



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Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons 2022

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