Nuclear Abolition News and Analysis

Reporting the underreported threat of nuclear weapens and efforts by those striving for a nuclear free world.
A project of The Non-Profit International Press Syndicate Group with IDN as flagship agency in partnership with Soka Gakkai International in consultative
status with ECOSOC.


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TOWARD A NUCLEAR FREE WORLD was first launched in 2009 with a view to raising and strengthening public awareness of the urgent need for non-proliferation and ushering in a world free of nuclear weapons. Read more

IDN Global News

Tackling Nuclear Proliferation At Its Roots

Nuclear Abolition NewsEssay | IDN


Making nuclear weapons requires access to materials – highly enriched uranium or plutonium – that do not exist in nature in a weapons-usable form. To constitute a threat, natural uranium needs to go through a challenging and time-consuming process of transformation as it moves through the nuclear fuel cycle.

STOCKHOLM (IDN) – The effort to cap the number of nuclear armed states in the world has largely focused on limiting the spread of the industrial items and processes needed for the stages of the fuel cycle that can turn uranium or plutonium into forms that could be used to make a nuclear weapon: enrichment or reprocessing.

UN Accused of Playing Down Nuke Disarmament Conference

Nuclear Abolition News | IPSGroup of 77 countries as of 2008


UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is one of the most vociferous advocates of a world free of nuclear weapons. “Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation are not utopian ideals,” he says. “They are critical to global peace and security.” [P] ARABIC | GERMAN | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | SWEDISH

‘Don’t Take Arabs’ NPT Membership for Granted’

Nuclear Abolition NewsViewpoint | IDN


CAIRO (IDN) – Not that nuclear issues are an actual source of concern to Egyptian citizens. They are deeply worried about their present and immediate future now that inter-religious violence is on the rise, triggering a dangerous, growing insecurity amidst an overwhelming popular discontent with President Mohamed Morsi’s regime. Simply put, there is too much frustration and deception here to think of nukes.

Nevertheless, it is also a fact that the governments of Arabs countries in general, and in the Gulf region in particular – following reported U.S. political pressures – have lately been expressing increasing fear of Iran’s nuclear programme and therefore focusing, again, on nukes. [P] JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF

Youth Holds Out Hope For Banning Nukes

Nuclear Abolition NewsAnalysis | IDN


BERLIN | GENEVA (IDN) – If it were up to the youth, all nuclear weapons in global arsenals would be declared inhumane and a comprehensive treaty banning these would be put in place.

This is the upshot of an international survey released at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) during a milestone conference. [P] ARABIC TEXT VERSION PDF | GERMAN | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | NORWEGIAN | SPANISH

74 NPT States Iissue Humanitarian Appeal For Abolition

Nuclear Abolition News | IPPNW


GENEVA (IPPNW) – The number of countries demanding the elimination of nuclear weapons as a humanitarian imperative grew to 74 today, when South Africa read a joint statement on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons on behalf of that many delegations to the 2013 Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee in Geneva.

Nukes Indefensible on Humanitarian Grounds


Nuclear Abolition NewsViewpoint | IDN


TOKYO (IDN) – It is a cause of grave concern that there are an increasing number of regions under tension and exposed to the threat of nuclear weapons; namely, the Middle East, South Asia and Northeast Asia. Today, there are more countries that seem to be adhering to the doctrine of nuclear deterrence and/or extended deterrence than during the Cold War era.

This reminds me of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s warning to the world, “Unfortunately, the doctrine of nuclear deterrence has proven to be contagious. This has made non-proliferation more difficult, which in turn raises new risks that nuclear weapons will be used.” It is critical that all of us share an awareness that humanity is standing at an important tipping point today.

Civil Society Raises Pressure Over NPT

Nuclear Abolition News | IPS Image credit: ICAN


GENEVA (IPS) – As parties to the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) begin their second preparatory conference in Geneva on Monday, representatives of civil society and several countries have decided to bring the festering nuclear issue and its potential humanitarian consequences to the centre stage. [P] JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | PORTUGUESE | SPANISH

From Non-Proliferation to a Total Ban on Nukes

Nuclear Abolition NewsViewpoint | IDN


MELBOURNE (IDN) – At the beginning of March, the Norwegian government hosted a landmark conference in Oslo on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and the inability of relief agencies to respond effectively in the event of a nuclear attack. More than 120 governments, the Red Cross and several UN agencies participated. Their message came through loud and clear: the only way to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again is to outlaw and eliminate them without further delay. [P] GERMAN | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF

Calling For a Nuclear Weapons Convention

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ANNAPOLIS, USA (IDN) – Soka Gakkai International (SGI) President Daisaku Ikeda’s Peace Proposal for 2013 notes that worldwide abolition of nuclear weapons will require the legal framework of a treaty banning the weapons (variously called a nuclear abolition treaty, nuclear ban treaty, or Nuclear Weapons Convention – NWC). The SGI president proposes the goal of substantial completion in 2015 of the NWC text. Upon its finalization, then, of course, time will be needed for states to evaluate, sign, ratify, and formally accede to the NWC.

US Nukes Back in South Korea May Reduce Risks

Nuclear Abolition News | IDN


LOS ANGELES (IDN | Yale Global) – Following North Korea’s February 12 nuclear weapons test, the UN Security Council adopted tough penalties on Pyongyang. Along with a new round of financial sanctions, the council beefed up inspections of suspect cargo to and from the country and took steps to halt illegal activities by Pyongyang diplomats – all intended to squeeze North’s nuclear and missile programs.

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