Nuclear Abolition News and Analysis

Reporting the underreported threat of nuclear weapens and efforts by those striving for a nuclear free world.
A project of The Non-Profit International Press Syndicate Group with IDN as flagship agency in partnership with Soka Gakkai International in consultative
status with ECOSOC.


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TOWARD A NUCLEAR FREE WORLD was first launched in 2009 with a view to raising and strengthening public awareness of the urgent need for non-proliferation and ushering in a world free of nuclear weapons. Read more

IDN Global News

U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arsenals Cling to Bygone Era – JAPANESE


【国連 IPS =ジョージ・ガオ】


FN anklagas för att inte satsa tillräckligt på egen nedrustningskonferens

Thalif Deen

New York (IPS) – I slutet av september ska FN stå värd för ett toppmöte om kärnvapennedrustning. Men redan nu kritiseras världsorganisationen för att inte ge konferensen den uppmärksamhet den förtjänar.

Nuclear Iran Unlikely to Tilt Regional Power Balance – Report

Nuclear Abolition News | IPS


WASHINGTON (IPS) – A nuclear-armed Iran would not pose a fundamental threat to the United States and its regional allies like Israel and the Gulf Arab monarchies, according to a new report released here on May 17 by the Rand Corporation.

Entitled “Iran After the Bomb: How Would a Nuclear-Armed Tehran Behave?“, the report asserts that the acquisition by Tehran of nuclear weapons  would above all be intended to deter an attack by hostile powers, presumably including Israel and the United States, rather than for aggressive purposes. [P] ARABIC | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF

U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arsenals Cling to Bygone Era

Nuclear Abolition News | IPS


UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – In the late 19th century, Russian playwright Anton Chekhov famously touted one golden rule for dramatic productions: if you show your audience a loaded gun in the first act, that gun must go off by the last.

But Chekhov’s storytelling trope is troubling if applied to the world’s weapons technology today, which include an estimated 17,300 nukes – used primarily by nations as props to leverage international power. [P] BAHASA | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF

Nuclear Iran Can Be Contained and Deterred: Report – JAPANESE


【ワシントン IPS =ジム・ローブ】

バラク・オバマ大統領に近い有力シンクタンク「新アメリカ安全保障センター( CNAS )」が5月13日、「イランの核保有は防止することが望ましいが、仮に核を持ったとしても米国はイランを抑止することが可能だ」とする報告書を発表した。

UN Accused of Playing Down Nuke Disarmament Conference – JAPANESE


【国連 IPS =タリフ・ディーン】



Iran: Eindämmung von Atomarsenal möglich

Von Jim Lobe

Washington (IPS) – Auch wenn der Iran in erster Linie daran gehindert werden soll, Atomwaffen zu entwickeln, geht eine einflussreicher US-amerikanische Denkfabrik davon aus, dass die Vereinigten Staaten eine Nuklearmacht Iran erfolgreich unter Kontrolle halten könnten.

Nuclear Iran Can Be Contained and Deterred: Report

Nuclear Abolition News | IPS


WASHINGTON (IPS) – While preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is preferable, the United States could successfully contain a nuclear Iran, according to a new report released here Monday by the Center for a New American Security, an influential think tank close to the administration of President Barack Obama.

The report, “If All Else Fails: The Challenges of Containing a Nuclear-Armed Iran,” outlines a detailed “containment strategy” designed to deter Tehran’s use of a nuclear bomb or its transfer to non-state actors, and persuade other regional states not to develop their own nuclear arms capabilities. [P]  ARABIC | GERMAN | ITALIAN | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF

Entwicklungsländer kritisieren geringe Publizität für hochrangiges Abrüstungstreffen

Von Thalif Deen

New York (IPS) – UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon ist ein erklärter Gegner von Atomwaffen. Doch die Gruppe der 77, die größte Koalition von 132 Entwicklungsländern, wirft dem Chef der Weltorganisation vor, es an der erforderlichen Publizität für die im September geplante Abrüstungskonferenz fehlen zu lassen.

Tackling Nuclear Proliferation At Its Roots

Nuclear Abolition NewsEssay | IDN


Making nuclear weapons requires access to materials – highly enriched uranium or plutonium – that do not exist in nature in a weapons-usable form. To constitute a threat, natural uranium needs to go through a challenging and time-consuming process of transformation as it moves through the nuclear fuel cycle.

STOCKHOLM (IDN) – The effort to cap the number of nuclear armed states in the world has largely focused on limiting the spread of the industrial items and processes needed for the stages of the fuel cycle that can turn uranium or plutonium into forms that could be used to make a nuclear weapon: enrichment or reprocessing.



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Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons 2022

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