Nuclear Abolition News and Analysis

Reporting the underreported threat of nuclear weapens and efforts by those striving for a nuclear free world.
A project of The Non-Profit International Press Syndicate Group with IDN as flagship agency in partnership with Soka Gakkai International in consultative
status with ECOSOC.


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TOWARD A NUCLEAR FREE WORLD was first launched in 2009 with a view to raising and strengthening public awareness of the urgent need for non-proliferation and ushering in a world free of nuclear weapons. Read more

IDN Global News

Religionsbaserade grupper tar fram fallet med nedrustning

Analys av T.K. Fernandes

NEW YORK (IDN) – Sedan den dödliga användningen av atombomber i Hiroshima och Nagasaki 1945 har det internationella samfundet krävt en avveckling av kärnvapen. Trots långsamma framsteg har det civila samhället oförtrutet fortsatt att förespråka en kärnvapenfri värld och är i själva verket i princip ett steg närmare dess förverkligande.

Grupos religiosos defendem o desarmamento

Análise de T.K. Fernandes

NOVA IORQUE (IDN) – Desde a utilização mortífera de bombas atómicas em Hiroshima e Nagasaki em 1945 que a comunidade internacional tem vindo a solicitar a eliminação de armas nucleares. Apesar dos lentos progressos, a sociedade civil tem continuado a defender, incansavelmente, um mundo  livre de armas nucleares e encontra-se, de facto, mais perto da sua concretização em princípio.

Trosbaserte grupper argumenterer for nedrusting

Analyse av T.K. Fernandes

NEW YORK (IDN) – Siden den dødelige bruken av kjernebomber i Hiroshima og Nagasaki i 1945, har det internasjonale samfunnet tatt til orde for avskaffelse av atomvåpen. Til tross for treg fremgang har det sivile samfunnet fortsatt kjempet utrettelig for en atom-fri verden, og er faktisk ett skritt nærmere realisering i prinsippet.

Under en tale til IDN, direktør for fred og menneskerettigheter i Soka Gakkai International (SGI), bemerket Kimiaki Kawai viktigheten av kjernefysisk nedrustning, og staterte: ”Vi har felles globale utfordringer som klimaendringer, fattigdom, sult og katastrofer – så hvorfor utnytter vi ikke våre rike ressurser for et mer meningsfylt formål?”

I gruppi religiosi sostengono la causa del disarmo

 Analisi di T.K. Fernandes

NEW YORK (IDN) – Sin dai giorni dell’uso letale delle armi atomiche su Hiroshima e Nagasaki nel 1945, la comunità internazionale ha ambito all’eliminazione delle armi nucleari. Nonostante la lentezza del progresso, la società civile ha incessantemente invocato un mondo libero dal nucleare, ed è di fatto un passo più vicina alla realizzazione di questo desiderio.

Kazakh President’s Japan Visit Focuses on Nuke-Free World

By Katsuhiro Asagiri and Ramesh Jaura

TOKYO | HIROSHIMA (IDN) – Striving for a nuclear-weapons-free world holds a special place in Kazakh-Japan relations, according to President Nursultan Nazarbayev who on November 9 visited Hiroshima that suffered U.S. atomic bombings along with Nagasaki 71 years ago.

Nazarbayev was on a three-day official visit to Japan less than two months before it joins the UN Security Council in January as its non-permanent member for two-years until the end of 2018. In the first year it would be working closely with Japan before Tokyo’s two-year term in the Council comes to a close at the end of 2017. [P28]  JAPANESE TEXT VERSON PDF |

Kazakh President’s Japan Visit Focuses on Nuke-Free World

By Katsuhiro Asagiri and Ramesh Jaura

TOKYO | HIROSHIMA (IDN) – Striving for a nuclear-weapons-free world holds a special place in Kazakh-Japan relations, according to President Nursultan Nazarbayev who on November 9 visited Hiroshima that suffered U.S. atomic bombings along with Nagasaki 71 years ago.

Nazarbayev was on a three-day official visit to Japan less than two months before it joins the UN Security Council in January as its non-permanent member for two-years until the end of 2018. In the first year it would be working closely with Japan before Tokyo’s two-year term in the Council comes to a close at the end of 2017. [P28] JAPANESE TEXT VERSON PDF

Learning from the Reykjavik Summit 30 Years On – Korean

레이캬비크 정상회담 30년후의 교훈


우쿠라이나와 크리미아,시리아문제를 둘러싸고 미러 관계가 급속하게 악화되는속에서

아이슬란드의 수도 레이캬비크에서 1010일과 11, 양일간 로널드 레이건 대통령(당시)와 미하일 고르바쵸프 서기장(당시)간에서 열린 역사적인 레이캬비크 정상회담 으로부터 30년을 기념하는 이벤트가 전문가와 외교관,연구자들이

Glaubensbasierte Gruppen machen Abrüstung zu ihrer Sache

 Von T.K. Fernandes

NEW YORK (IDN) – Seit der tödlichen Verwendung von Atombomben in Hiroshima und Nagasaki im Jahre 1945 forderte die internationale Gemeinschaft die Beseitigung von Atomwaffen. Trotz langsamer Fortschritte hat sich die Zivilgesellschaft unermüdlich für eine Nuklearwaffen-freie Welt eingesetzt und sie ist in der Tat prinzipiell der Verwirklichung einen Schritt nähergekommen.

Faith-Based Groups Make the Case for Disarmament – Japanese





NATO Shores Up Hegemonial Power Through Nuke Deterrence

 By Xanthe Hall, IPPNW and ICAN Germany

Note: This article first appeared in the IPPNW Peace and Health Blog on November 3, 2016.

BERLIN (IDN-INPS) – For once, the United States, France and the United Kingdom are in agreement with Russia: plans to negotiate a nuclear weapons ban need to be stopped. Before the vote on October 27 in the UN First Committee, they pulled out all the stops to pressurise other states to vote against or abstain on a draft resolution co-sponsored by 57 states for a conference to be convened in 2017 to negotiate a nuclear ban.



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Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons 2022

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