Nuclear Abolition News and Analysis

Reporting the underreported threat of nuclear weapens and efforts by those striving for a nuclear free world.
A project of The Non-Profit International Press Syndicate Group with IDN as flagship agency in partnership with Soka Gakkai International in consultative
status with ECOSOC.


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TOWARD A NUCLEAR FREE WORLD was first launched in 2009 with a view to raising and strengthening public awareness of the urgent need for non-proliferation and ushering in a world free of nuclear weapons. Read more

IDN Global News

A New Handbook on Parliamentary Action for Disarmament

By Jamshed Baruah

Photo: The consultation event for the publication at the UN in February 2019. Credit: UN.

GENEVA (IDN) – Nearly one-and-half years after UN Secretary-General António Guterres launched Securing Our Common Future: An Agenda for Disarmament in May 2018, a new handbook to support disarmament for security and sustainable development has been released. Its approach and focus draw primarily on the Agenda. Titled Assuring our Common Future, published by four international parliamentary organizations and two international policy bodies on November 5, 2020, the new publication offers background and examples of effective policies and parliamentary actions on a wide range of disarmament issues. [2020-12- 20 | 22] ITALIAN | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | PORTUGUESE

#Youth4Disarmament Initiative Awarded Best Coalition Building Project of 2020


NEW YORK (IDN) – The #Youth4Disarmament initiative has been recognized as Best Coalition Building Project of 2020 by a Billion Acts of Peace. The initiative was nominated alongside 11 other inspiring projects, chosen from more than 8 million Acts for Peace.

Billion Acts of Peace, an initiative of the PeaceJam Foundation, is a global movement led by 14 Nobel Peace Prize winners and youth around the world with the ambitious goal of creating 1 billion acts of peace by 2021. [2020-12-17] 

NATO HQ Steps Up Misinformation Campaign Against TPNW


GENEVA (IDN) – NATO’s 15 December statement on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as it enters into force reiterates misconceptions about the treaty and is tone-deaf to the global support for this landmark instrument, including popular support within several NATO countries.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted in 2017 by 122 countries and will take full legal effect on 22 January 2021. It is the first international treaty to ban nuclear weapons and require victim assistance and environmental remediation for people and places harmed by nuclear weapons use and testing. [2020-12-16] 

Doubts Whether Space Is Being Used Only for Peaceful Purposes – CHINESE


作者:Ramesh Jaura




Doubts Whether Space Is Being Used Only for Peaceful Purposes – RUSSIAN

Сомнения в том, что космос используется только в мирных целях

Автор: Рамеш Джаура

Советский космонавт и американский астронавт пожали друг другу руки высоко над планетой Земля 17 июля 1975 года, где встретились и состыковались советский космический корабль «Союз-19» и американский космический корабль «Аполлон». 

В приветственном послании советское руководство охарактеризовало «совместный полет советских и американских космических кораблей» как «крупный шаг в развитии советско-американского научно-технического сотрудничества», открывающий «новые перспективы для совместной работы различных стран в мирном освоении космического пространства».

Raketenabwehrpläne drohen, Wettrüsten auszulösen

Von J C Suresh

TORONTO | WASHINGTON (IDN) – Das Erbe von Präsident Trump ist alles andere als inspirierend. Joe Biden und sein Team stehen vor zahlreichen wichtigen Entscheidungen. Rüstungspolitikexperten glauben, dass eine der folgenschweren Entscheidungen, mit denen die neue Regierung konfrontiert ist, darin besteht, “ob und wie die Pläne der Trump-Ära zur Erweiterung der nationalen Raketenabwehr der USA mit neuen seegestützten Raketen, die ballistische Langstreckenraketen abschießen können, weitergeführt werden sollen”. Dies wird aber zweifellos den Fortschritt bei der Rüstungskontrolle behindern.

Missile Defence Plans Threaten to Trigger Arms Race – ARABIC

خطط الدفاع الصاروخي تهدد بإطلاق سباق تسلح

بواسطة جي سي سوريش

تورنتو | واشنطن (IDN) – الإرث الذي خلفه الرئيس ترامب بعيد كل البعد عن الإلهام. هناك العديد من القرارات الحاسمة التي تواجه جو بايدن وفريقه. يعتقد خبراء في سياسات التسلح أن أحد القرارات المهمة التي تواجه الإدارة الجديدة هو: “هل يجب المضي قدمًا في الخطط التي وضعت في عهد الرئيس ترامب لتوسيع بصمة الدفاع الصاروخي الوطني الأمريكي بصواريخ بحرية جديدة يمكنها إسقاط صواريخ باليستية طويلة المدى، وكيفية تنفيذ ذلك. “. لكن هذا بلا شك سوف يعرقل التقدم في الحد من التسلح.

Doubts Whether Space Is Being Used Only for Peaceful Purposes

By Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN | NEW YORK (IDN) – A Soviet cosmonaut and an American astronaut shook hands high above the planet Earth, on July 17, 1975, where the Soviet spaceship Soyuz-19 and the U.S. spacecraft Apollo had met and docked.

In a message of greeting, the Soviet leadership described the “joint flight of the Soviet and US spaceships” as “a major step in the development of Soviet-American scientific and technological cooperation” opening up “new prospects for various countries to work together in the peaceful exploration of outer space”. [2020-12- 06 | 21] CHINESE | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | RUSSIAN

Doubts Whether Space Is Being Used Only for Peaceful Purposes

By Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN | NEW YORK (IDN) – A Soviet cosmonaut and an American astronaut shook hands high above the planet Earth, on July 17, 1975, where the Soviet spaceship Soyuz-19 and the U.S. spacecraft Apollo had met and docked.

In a message of greeting, the Soviet leadership described the “joint flight of the Soviet and US spaceships” as “a major step in the development of Soviet-American scientific and technological cooperation” opening up “new prospects for various countries to work together in the peaceful exploration of outer space”. [2020-12- 06 | 21] CHINESE | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | RUSSIAN

Doubts Whether Space Is Being Used Only for Peaceful Purposes

By Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN | NEW YORK (IDN) – A Soviet cosmonaut and an American astronaut shook hands high above the planet Earth, on July 17, 1975, where the Soviet spaceship Soyuz-19 and the U.S. spacecraft Apollo had met and docked.

In a message of greeting, the Soviet leadership described the “joint flight of the Soviet and US spaceships” as “a major step in the development of Soviet-American scientific and technological cooperation” opening up “new prospects for various countries to work together in the peaceful exploration of outer space”. [2020-12- 06 | 21] CHINESE | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | RUSSIAN



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